Services we offer:

Let us help you build a successful school garden

No matter what your level of need, Smart Sprout has a program that will help you take your school garden to the next level.  Our programs incorporate options including a solid foundation of planning and design, easy-to-execute lessons, effective training and ongoing support.  Our lessons integrate with and reinforce your existing curriculum.  The engaging, classroom-tested lessons get kids excited about interacting with the outdoors and trying new foods.  Through a direct understanding of the growth of plants as well as the process of growing, harvesting and tasting new and interesting things in the classroom, your students will develop a love for exploration and interaction that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives.

Monthly newsletters give you inspiring ideas, program tips and maintenance lists to keep your garden or nutrition program the most effective it can be. We offer training designed to show your staff  and/or volunteers how to make the most of the garden program.

Smart Sprout offers an assortment of services designed to make your program make a difference.

These services include: